Friday, January 27, 2012

Getting Stuck

Have you ever felt stuck? Have you ever felt like God was speaking to you and revelation was coming but then it stopped? Like everything you hear was going over your head? Almost like he stopped speaking to you? I know I have and I am pretty sure its common on the adventure we have with God. Growing up isn't always easy but as I come to know God more and more, I become more responsible for the revelation he has given me.

Knowledge = Responsibility

Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. - James 1:22

I don't know about you but I know he corrected me for this one. I was clearly in the scripture that if I had an issue with a brother to leave my offering and go reconcile the situation.

Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you,leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to your brother; then come and offer your gift. Matthew 5:23-24

Whats interesting is with this scripture there is really no hidden meaning, I think of the parables Jesus spoke in but this is not a parable this is a commandment. There are no options here he says to leave the offering there and take care the situation before coming back.

I read that many times and at that time there was conflict with my sister and I had not spoken to them in 2 years. So first time I read this I knew what God was saying, I really understood, I mean how can you not? I do not think it gets easier to understand than that. So what happened? Now I did not know this at the time, or maybe I did but cannot remember it but I reasoned my way out of it. I actually made excuses as to why its not the right time to make peace with her. "I was not grown up enough in Christ", "There just isn't enough light in me for God to use it" etc etc. I was telling people those things for months!! Oh boy how I was deceiving myself.

One day I was hanging out with the Lord and doing my studies and he told me Jennifer if you do not do the basics of my word then it will hinder our relationship. He said that and the switch goes off, I knew what he was talking about instantly, it didn't matter what lies I had been telling myself I knew what i needed to do. I was really believing the crap I was telling myself and it was like in one ear and out the other when he spoke to me. Now realizing this of course I had to obey and be the peacemaker, humble myself to apologize even if I didn't feel I did anything wrong and not expecting anything from their side.

So I think it took a week or so (maybe longer) but I did it FINALLY! Sent an apology letter and said okay Lord I am sowing that seed and one day it will reap a harvest. So this plant grew faster than expected, took maybe 30 minutes and I got a response. So the harvest was yes lets talk this out. So I wasn't expecting that and was honestly hoping that was going to be a slow moving harvest LOL. To my surprise it was quick, I guess it was time to humble myself. I hear the Spirit say either you humble yourself or I will do it for you. So now I have 2 choices and honestly door number 2 did not sound that great. I was going to do what I was told.

Everything turns out great, God really gave me the strength to do what was necessary and he could not start to repair some relationships. I understood what the pain of dying to self was because I felt it deep within my gut for hours but once it was over I felt God release me from something. Removed a chain and I was fine.

I realized that humbling myself and being the peacemaker allowed God to heal me. I still remember him saying the more you say I am sorry the easier it gets and it was true. Freedom in being the first to say that.

Was it worth dying for?? Yes it was. God knows what we need to do to be happy. His word commands us to do certain things for a reason. I am pretty sure God didn't leave his word for himself so its important we do not just merely listen but do what it says. After all that I am now free, healed, not angry or living with unforgiveness in my heart.

One last thing I want to point out that Jesus said

I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things? - John 3:12

If we cannot do the simple things in His word how can he expect us to do the heavenly things? I think our purpose is much more than the basics, and if he cant trust us with the basics how can he trust us with more?

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