Saturday, July 7, 2012

Fed Up With Fear

Went to dinner with my brother Steve. Broke bread and talked about God all night. Stood outside for a long time chatting about Jesus.

People where around us and I just wanted to bless someone. Felt like it was suppose to be for this girl standing close by. She was around awhile but I didn’t talk to her. Fear stopped me, I repented for it.

Finally I got fed up I was angry with the devil and saw another woman and went up and talked to her.

Her name was Missy.

I asked her: “Are you a holy woman of God?” She said “No” smoking her cigarette. I said “Did you know that you are going to be?” She laughed and looked at me like I was crazy.

I tell her “God has called you to be a prophet for the nations and he wants to bless you.”

She said I could pray for her and I was excited. I prayed for her quickly and she went about her way.

Something in me kicked up I was tired of being afraid, I was tired of caring what other people thought, I was tired of the fear. It doesn’t hurt to ask someone if they need prayer the worst thing they can say is no.

I pray for courage and boldness to pray for others and preach the good news.