Monday, August 27, 2012

Prophecy For Tonight!

He saw me sitting at the Orange County Fair, he said I had a huge turkey leg in my hand and when I bit into it I went nuts with excitement. I was so excited about it I got up and ran around and offered it to everyone else at the fair.

I was eager to share it and everyone else needed to have it. He said I was contagious with the happiness and excitement of God and God was going to increase that contagion to everyone around me.

He said he also saw my Christian friends and family who I have been around for a long time, I start feeding them and they proceed to run behind me and vomit like crazy. He said they where vomiting all the bad stuff they thought they knew about God.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jenn I found your blog and its so beautiful. I pray all is well and that you are continuing on in your walk with Christ. I loved reading your experiences.
