A little note about me I am married to a non-believer so I am sure you can figure this house gets interesting sometimes. God told me long ago I needed to learn to keep my mouth shut, which I must say is not that easy.The scripture I actually keep on my desk is
Set a guard over my mouth O'Lord; Keep watch over the door of my lips. - Psalm 141:3
I also do a lot of confessing and one of my favorites is "I do not always have to be right" and "I do not always have to have the last word". I truly believe God has been helping me with this, even though its not easy and I am definitely not always successfull, I have seen progress! Thank you Lord for changing my heart!
Tonight I got to exercise it, now I did not catch it right away but about a second into it I got it and mouth was shut, told myself "I do not always have to be right" and the sick feelings started to subside. Hallelujah! thank you Jesus, I didnt totally blow this one. So God promised me years ago of his salvation and I have held onto that ever since. As I get closer to God I see the enemy taking him further away. I start to study my bible and he will do something completely opposite, I listen to my sermons he listens to his of course they are opposite. Interesting how the enemy is taking him in the opposite direction but that only means the greater the miracle my God has to perform and I worship the Almighty Jehovah and with Jesus all things are possible so its easy for Him.
So I thought tonight well Lord maybe this year is the year, I can believe it will happen sooner than later. Now I usually don't pray for it I just thank the Lord and it will happen in the right time. So I am thinking yes this is the year and I cannot wait, I will believe for that Lord and I hear the Lord say "You couldnt handle it right now". Now that would not be the first time I feel the Spirit telling me this. I understand most of the authority (not all of it but most) and submitting to your husband. Right now we have complete role reversal in the house and I know I have spirtiual authority but I also know I have a very hard time now even listening or humbling myself, can you imagine when he starts knowing God? I myself know me and we love to take that authority when we learn about it. Just think about it, God says they have to listen to me because I am the head of the house. Serious I have had those thoughts in my head, silly as they are I know what its like to be immature in God and I can admit right here and now I have thought that way. God gave me a beautiful word and I took it and turned it into something selfish. No wonder we look like our enemy sometimes because he was just as selfish.
Anyway I dont feel that way now but it made me think about God's timing and how perfect it is. I believe its not only perfect for that specific person but I also think its perfect for all those around them. If you think about it, it's a lot of work dealing with me but can you imagine 2 people working out their salvation at the same time and at the same level?? I can see how it could be difficult with 2 snot nosed little Christians running around. Not that I wouldn't prefer it but I do believe when it happens it will be perfect for everybody in our house. Until then I hold onto that perfect promist God made me and I will let him use all of this to sharpen and change me. Hey you never know that could be the key to winning him over, a nice loving and submissive wife. That in itself is a miracle but I have the perfect God to do it!
For the unbelieving husband has been sanctified through his wife, and the unbelieving wife has been sanctified through her believing husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean, but as it is, they are holy. - 1 Corinthians 7:14
I want to leave any person who is married to an unbeliever with this that God spoke to me "You should be honored that God trusted you enough with the unbeliever in hopes that we could be used to win them over to Christ".It's a big job but if you let God just take control the situation can be used to sharpen you and really show you how to love them unconditionally.
Thank you Father for trusting me enough with someone you love so dearly. I ask that anyone who read this blog post and find themself in a similar situation find encouragement that you are the God of Gods, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. That all things are possible for you no matter how dark it may seem. I ask Lord that you speak a promise of salvation for all who read this and show them they are not alone. I love you Father for everything you have done for me and I know and trust that when the day of salvation comes to the non-believers that its the perfect timing for everyone! I love you God more than life itself! Thank you for your love and mercy and I ask you show us how to share that same love and mercy to all we come across. I love you Lord! In Jesus name Amen!
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