Studying this morning I came across a good piece of scripture.
But Jesus did not entrust himself to them, for he knew all men. John 2:24
Some definitions
Entrust: to confide, to deposit for responsibility
Greek paratitheni: to place beside or set before, a banking term "to deposit for safekeeping"
Hebrew להפקיד : deposit
This made me ask How much of ourselves do we give others for safe keeping? How much do you give someone else responsibility for?
Some things you make others responsible for:
1. happiness
2. peace
3. fun
So I would have to say I am guilty of giving someone else the responsibility of keeping me happy. Have you ever done that?
What about peace?? Have you ever said I would have peace if only the kids would listen?
What about fun?? I can't have fun unless your having fun?
A big one I hear all the time is, if moms not happy then no one is happy! How dumb is that??
Those are just a few things that came to mind that I know I have said or ways I have felt. But is it really fair to put that responsibilty on someone else???
No its not and Jesus tells us he did not entrust himself to man at all. Why?? well simply put "he knew all men". So he is talking about the heart of man and whats in our hearts?? Some basic characteristics we all suffer from:
- prideful
- shelfish
so those are 2 that are huge and tells me I do not want to be entrusting any person with me. And is it really fair to entrust someone else with your happiness or peace?? Not really because it is impossible for them to fulfill that.
So thinking about this is there someone in your life you need to release from this responsiblity??
Only God knows what truly makes you happy so we need to be entrusting ourselves to him completely. Not only can man not please us but I think we are doing an injustice to them by giving them the responsibility for things they cannot even control.
Father, I think you for wisdom and knowledge and for Jesus giving us the example of how we should live. Giving us the example of how we can truly be happy, have peace or even have fun. You want only the best for us and I pray anyone who reads this will entrust themselves to you. For you knew the heart of man and it cannot please us. I ask for forgiveness Father for giving others the responsibilty and it was not fair of me to do that. I love you Lord and am thankfully for the revelation of my responsibilites. Thank you Lord! In Jesus name Amen!
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