Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A Touch From God

On Sunday May 13, 2012 God came down and touched me like he has never touched me before! It was amazing! The church service was about fire and more fire of God. Time for prayer and of course I went up there! You say God wants to bless me or change me and I say I am there!! Touch me God!!

As Sophia was starting to pray I felt God, every word that came from her lips about knocked me down, I could barely stand and she was no where near me. Then she comes up to me touches my head and down I go! I knew that was coming! But I did not expect what came next! I start shaking up uncontrollably. She put her hand on my belly and started praying more and more more I twitched. It did not feel good but it didnt hurt either it was just uncomfortable, kind of like when you get a shock from someone touching you except this was all over my body.

I heard God say I took some of you away and gave you more of me. Oh boy did he! It was amazing, she said she say a flower growing from within me and that its growth was just doubled, it sprouted up out of the dirt! How awesome God is! She then moved on and I continued to shake on the floor, it actually went on all night. I drove home and my daughter was laughing at me because I kept flinching. It was great! A special touch from God! Thank you Lord for taking away me and replacing it with you!